
“Making Green Normal”: Natural Product Marketing in Mainstream Media- GPP Talk

Big news!

Beth from GPP will be speaking at the Better Living Show in Portland, Oregon, on March 23rd. This is the largest Green Home Show in the Pacific Northwest. The PNW is the “greenest” part of the US, according to a number of independent marketing studies and eco-websites.

Check out information on this event, here: Beth of GPP to speak at the Better Living Show in Portland, OR

Beth’s talk will be the lead in to the keynote speaker, Green Eco-Celebrity, Darryl Hannah!

If you are based in Portland, we do hope you’ll attend.


Beth and Lisa of Green Product Placement made our first steps toward setting up shop in New York City this past week.

We met with various production contacts, one of whom was the inspiration for starting GPP. (hint: read Beth’s bio in the “About Us” section of this website). We checked out Green Spaces, a wonderful co working space in Manhattan that acts as an incubator for entrepreneurial green companies. We even connected with a new client and a new potential client who operate out of the space!

We attended a lovely cocktail party there, where we ran into our new friend Alix, from Green America’s Green Festivals. Marissa, one of the visionary eco-preneurs who started Green Spaces was lovely, friendly and warm and we can’t wait to get to know her better!

We met with current and future clients and perused “made locally, buy local” shop by brooklyn. Brooklyn is a major hub in the “made locally, buy local” movement and we salute owner Maia’s efforts to showcase some of these fine local brands. We also paid a visit to the Film Biz Prop Shop run by the innovative and pioneering not-for-profit Film Biz, which recycles “waste” from film, tv and print shoots- typically items that aren’t “waste” after all, but would have been headed for a dumpster and landfill anyway. This way, these building materials and flats and furniture and props and set dressing can be reused on multiple shoots, saving money, time, resources and the environment. Green Product Placement tips our hats to the wonderful people at Film Biz!

It was an action packed few days…. and we did all this whilst orchestrating some pilot placements in a major network television program that will be debuting soon! (stay tuned- more on this later….)

Green Product Placement is off and running- please check back on our blog and Facebook page to keep track on our progress!

Green Product Placement gets our first taste of media exposure!

Thanks to Amy McNeal at B’more media, GPP has gotten our first little taste of media exposure ourselves!

Green Product Placement in B’more Media (click link)



Great News!

As we’ve just launched the website and are beginning to make plans to move the business along, I sent an email to touch base with the filmmaker Morgan Spurlock. It was him, after all, that made that lightbulb go on over my head back in the spring. It was that online conversation with him on the website TED that have me the idea to start this company.

He was deep into promoting his latest film, “Pom Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold”, which is a documentary about brand integration, sponsorship and product placement, that he funded by utilizing brand integration, sponsorship and product placement! Genius, really.

The film is both hilarious and enlightening as Morgan leads the viewer through what was involved in securing his major sponsors along with an examination of “brand awareness” through various marketing strategies and how it affects the consumer.

Check out the trailer, here:

So I sent off this email last night letting him know that our website is up, and that we’ve begun to lay the foundation to build the business. Lisa and I plan to attend the Green Festival  in October and I inquired about meeting with him while we were in NY.

He wrote back:

” I love that you are running with this and making it happen.  This business
is important and will find a major home in Hollywood.  I would love to
meet you when you are in NY and will do whatever I can to help.”

So, we’re all very excited this morning to have the full support of the person who inspired this company to “be”!

Thanks, Morgan, and we do indeed look forward to meeting you!

Hello world!

Hello all!

Well, we’re just in process of getting the foundations of this exciting business built. We hope you’ll come back as “bricks” and then “storeys” are added and our business begins to grow!